Your worth isn’t defined by how many ounces you make. I see so many toxic infant feeding posts every day, it makes me nauseous. Posts saying “I only breast fed for two weeks”, “I hate pumping”, “I only get one ounce”, etc.

Your worth is not defined by how many ounces of breastmilk you produce and it is not defined by whether you breast feed or formula feed your child. We have to be so intentional with our words as mamas and need to remind ourselves that what works for us or our baby, doesn’t always work for another mama and baby.

We have to start recognizing when advice can become toxic and not helpful because motherhood is so fragile. When you seek support and help from others remember the following things:

1. This is advice, not a directive. I can choose to read this and not do anything with this information

2. I asked for support, this may not be the support I thought I was going to get but this is how this person is showing up today, they’re doing their best.

3. This person may have said something hurtful but I’m going to choose to either not respond or to respond with kindness.

4. What works for one person, may not work for me (or my body, or my baby, or my mental health).

When you see things on social media, or hear things from other parents- take the little nuggets of support and help you need and leave the rest. What you’re doing for your baby is enough.

Your worth is not defined by how you feed your baby. Hang in there mamas, we’ve got this.

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